Happy Graduation Day!
The Day is Finally Here!
WOW! I really thought I would never see this day, I can’t even believe it as I’m typing this!! It has definitely been a wild ride, A VERY WILD ONE!
No one really gives you a heads up about what college/university will be like. You may hear other people’s experiences but you won’t truly know until it’s your turn. I changed majors at least five times, not sure if anyone else has changed majors more than I have HAHA! I thought I knew what I wanted to become when I grew up but truth is, I’m still figuring that part out.
As I’m handed my degree, I go back to my seat and I think to myself “What’s next?” We’re so use to being told what to do or what the next step is and once we graduate we think we can take off…actually, we’re just as lost and clueless…or is it just me?
Being a first generation graduate was also a lot of pressure. There was no room for disappointment, failing, or giving up….although, trust me, I was a smidge close to dropping out my senior year. When we think we have life figured out it throws curve balls and they hit right where you least expect it. Life shakes you and sometimes you have to start from zero once again. I was shaken and discouraged when it got hard but I didn’t want to let me parents or my family down. They had sacrificed SO much for me, I couldn’t just throw it all away because I failed a test or missed a deadline. I fought so hard to see their dreams of me graduating uni ….and I DID IT. I ACTUALLY DID IT.
Nothing will ever prepare you in life, not a degree, not a life lesson, not your past, or your trials…if your thinking about going back to school, DO IT. If you’re thinking about quitting, DO NOT. If you ‘think’ you got this, YOU DO. Believe in yourself and DO IT for yourself.
I promise you will make yourself feel proud :)
In the meantime, enjoy my grad pics that my mom took!
— xoxo,
WELCOME—to my little home on the internet! I’m currently doin’ life in Birmingham, Alabama & I dang love it here! I love all things style, traveling, skincare, shopping, & blogging. I hope to inspire you, make you feel confident & bring a smile!