Boho Birthday Brunch | 25 Things I've Learned In 25 Years
Boho Themed Birthday Brunch Was A Success!
I had an early birthday celebration with all my gals and it was a lot of fun! I was happy to have all my girls in one room since last year was a complete chaos with places being closed and not able to spend a lot of time around loved ones —so I knew I had to go all out for this one!
To say the least, I actually think I feel old this year! AHHH! I can’t believe I’m really 25! It freaks me out to think I’m half way to 30, not even that really, I’m half way to 50!! That’s is crazyyy! I’ve really been blessed to see 25 years and cannot wait to see where the Lord takes me!
Here’s my list of 25 things I’ve learned in 25 years:
As much as you would love to have control over your own life, you simply cannot.
Trust God’s timing, always.
When you’re faced with troubles, always look at the positives.
Always be thankful, in the good and the bad.
Be the girl who just went for it.
Don’t be afraid to take risks.
Let go of who you love the most, I promise if it is meant to be they will find their way back to you.
Keep your love life private.
If you don’t have their number in your phone, they should not be your problem.
God has your back, always..
Let things fall into place on their own.
Put your phone down often.
Stop paying attention to the people who don’t like you.
Be your own person, you’re original.
Always let your heart and mind be at peace.
Don’t let your phone be the first and last thing you look at.
If it does not bring you peace, let it go.
Learn to be happy with yourself.
Don’t let fear or failure control your life.
Bad things will always happen, stop getting upset about it.
Stop waiting for someone else to make the difference, be the difference.
Forget the past and make peace with it.
You are life’s greatest gift.
Don’t hold back the tears, let it all out.
Pray. Pray. Pray.
cakes is from @cakes.n.cream on insta!
Here’s to 25!
— xoxo,
WELCOME—to my little home on the internet! I’m currently doin’ life in Birmingham, Alabama & I dang love it here! I love all things style, traveling, skincare, shopping, & blogging. I hope to inspire you, make you feel confident & bring a smile!