24 Things I've Learned in 24 Years
Wow! Can’t believe I’ve reached 24 years on earth. I can still remember when I was 15 wanting to be 18, and at 18 wanting to be 24, and now, I am 24 years ( hoping I was 12 lol). In the past years I have learned a whole lot. I’ve cried rivers, fought battles. and won victories—all leading up to this very moment. Birthdays are such a reminder of how much growth you can encounter in just one year, of how much can change and how much you can learn. Can’t wait to see what God has in store for me this year!
With that, here are 24 things I’ve learned in 24 years.
Live, Just Live—we tend to get caught up in the social media world, we let it soak up all of our energy that we often forget social media can sometimes be a “made up fantasy” people wish to live in—instead of waiting your time comparing your life others, disconnect from the social media world and just live
Be Thankful—always be thankful for what God has placed before you, whether it’s good or you may think it’s bad, always always be thankful
Talk Less, Show Up More—instead of making so many promises to yourself and others, sop planning and actually show up
You Can’t Please Everyone—ahh this is one I’m still working on…we often find ourselves wanting to please everyone or always trying to be careful in the things we wear, say, and do; the thing is, people will alway find a way to bring you down so you just have to stop caring
Do It For Yourself—think about what you want, what you really truly what and just work towards that; don’t think about anything or anyone else, reach your goals and accomplishments for yourself
Don’t Be Too Harsh On Yourself—push yourself, but not hard enough that you will fall; take breaks often and be proud of even the smallest accomplishment
Bless Those Who Hate You—yes, yes, yes; this can be hard sometimes but it’s not worth holding on to the grudge, the hate, the pain, the hurt or damage someone might have done; forgive them, bless them, and move on
God Is In Control—this a cliche reminder but always necessary; even in the darkest moments when you think your life is falling apart, just know God is already working in putting all the pieces together to bring you something better
Wake Up Early Every Morning—these are the days you will be most productive, feel the most energy, and believe me or not, be the most happy
Be Present—some people live in the moment while others live by the moment, don’t let the worldly things disconnect you from what really matters most
If It Makes You Happy, Do It—don’t wait for anybody’s approval because you won't have it
Travel Often—it will remind you of the Goodness of God, your life goals, and what you really want in life
Capture As Many Moments As You Can—don’t use your phone to capture memories, buy a disposable camera and print them all out—I promise it will be worth it
Compliment Yourself—always! this can be hard to do sometimes but give yourself some grace; don’t wait for someone to compliment your hair, outfit or growth—do it yourself
Pause and Breath—something I’m always working on; it’s so easy to get stressed and overwhelmed about school, work, and daily life—take a moment to yourself and just breath
Show Someone An Act Of Kindness Everyday—so so good! if you do this, I promise it will make your day more than the other person—show someone there is still kindness in this world, everyone needs it!
Bad Days Will Always Lead To Better Days—it’s hard to believe it, but I promise there will be better days; don’t get overwhelmed over the little things, cry if you need to, but don’t stop believing
Read The Scripture Daily—so good for the soul, it’s like heard God speak to you for the very first time
Love Can Hurt Sometimes—love can be a lot of things—honestly, I’m still trying to figure out this whole four letter word that people seem to either find happiness in or mourn in
Journal Everyday—write everything down: your feelings, your thoughts, your losses, your gains, your goals—your future self will be proud
Reach Out To Old Friends—it’s good to catch up and have a drink and talk about old memories, we often get caught up in life and forget the people who were once present in our lives
Call, Don’t Text—still working on this…it’s always easier to text than call, we don’t have human communication because we often forget what that is anymore—I promise they will be thankful to hear your voice
Show Up For Loved Ones—remember all the times you needed someone to hear you out, the times you needed someone to lean on, the times you wish someone would just text you to ask how you’re doing…do it to others, you don’t know what they could be going through
Have a fun weekend!
— xoxo,
WELCOME—to my little home on the internet! I’m currently doin’ life in Birmingham, Alabama & I dang love it here! I love all things style, traveling, skincare, shopping, & blogging. I hope to inspire you, make you feel confident & bring a smile!